Monday, November 21, 2022



  • PET Response Criteria In Solid Tumours 

    When to perform?

    • After the first cycle just before the next one

                 -Detect primary resistance to chemotherapy

    • 10 days after the last cycle / End-of-Treatment : 

                 -Evaluates restaging

                 -If resistance developed mid way

    Required parameter for follow up PET-CT study :

    • Fasting for 4-6 hrs

    • Fasting BG < 200mg/dl

    • 50-70 min post injection

    • FU Scan within 15 min of the baseline

    • Same scanner

    • </= 20% activity

    • To be assessable, difference b/w baseline and follow up SUL in liver must be less than or equal to 20%

      SUL peak:

      The SUL peak (this is a sphere with a diameter of approximately 1.2 cm—to produce a 1-cm3-volume spheric ROI) centered around the hottest point in the tumour foci should be determined, and the image planes and coordinates should be noted (SUL peak).

          Background Liver Activity:

    • 3cm ROI mid way between dome & inferior margin excluding central ducts & vessels

    • If diseased –mediastinal background taken, cylindrical ROI in descending aorta, 1cm diameter & 2m long axis.


      Measurable tumor Activity

      • 1.5 (mean liver SUL + 2 SDs of mean SUL)

      • If the liver is diseased, 2.0 x (blood-pool 18F-FDG activity + 2SDs in the mediastinum)

      • Tumor sizes more than 2 cm accurate for measurement.

      • Percentage change is calculated

      • PERCIST proposed measurability –only to baseline study. 

        Complete Metabolic Response 

        • Complete resolution of 18F-FDG uptake within measurable target lesion so that it is less than mean liver activity and indistinguishable from surrounding background levels. 

        • Disappearance of all other lesions to background levels. 

        • No new 18F-FDG–avid lesions in pattern typical of cancer. 

        • Percentage decline in SUL should be recorded from measurable region, as well as (ideally) time in weeks after treatment was begun (i.e., CMR -90, 4).

        Partial Metabolic Response

        • Reduction of minimum of 30% in target measurable tumor 18F-FDG SUL peak.

        •  Absolute drop in SUL must be at least 0.8 SUL units, as well.

        •  Measurement is commonly in same lesion as baseline but can be      another lesion if that lesion was previously present and is the most active lesion after treatment.

        • No new lesions.

          Stable Metabolic disease:

          • Increase or decrease of SUL peak less than 30%. 

          • Not CMR, PMR, or PMD.

          Progressive Metabolic Disease:

          • >/= 30% increase in 18F-FDG SUL peak

          • 0.8 SUL unit increase in tumor SUV peak from baseline scan in pattern typical of tumor and not of infection/treatment effect. 

          • New 18F-FDG–avid lesions that are typical of cancer and not related to treatment effect or infection.

          • Unequivocal progression of non target lesions (no definite percentage was defined) 

          • For progressive disease, percentage change, number of weeks & number of new lesions to be mentioned.




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