Thursday, December 1, 2022

Cholescintigraphy: Normal Findings

 Normal Physiology of Liver:

  • Liver –secretes  600 mL of bile/ day  (0.4 mL/min)
  • 50%  enters  the  gallbladder (0.2  mL /min)
  • Normal of GB capacity-50 mL
  • Absorption of water –“concentration  function  of  the gallbladder”
  • Mean basal pressure 
    • Gallbladder lumen -10 cm of water
    • CBD -12 cm of water 
    • Sphincter of Oddi -15 cm of water 
  • Absorption of water through the wall  is one  of two main  factors  that  facilitates hepatic bile entry  into the gallbladder
  • Increase in  the  tone  of  the sphincter of Oddi
Gall Bladder Contraction and Emptying:
  • Nervous 
  • Endocrine 
  • Nervous 
  • Parasympathetic (vagus) -stimulate  contraction of  the  gallbladder
  • Sympathetic (celiac ganglion)-relaxation of  the  gallbladder  
  • Normal function of  the gallbladder -after its denervation
  • Role of the  sympathetic and parasympathetic nervous system – very minimal 
  • Primary regulator  of  gallbladder  emptying  is  the  hormone.

  • Cholecystokinin (CCK)
  • CCK-33 –by I cells of upper intestine- when food enters the duodenum
  • Acts through CCK (A & B)receptors  in  the  smooth muscle 
  • The biological action of the hormone  resides in its terminal eight  amino  acids
  • Contracts gallbladder
  • Relaxes the sphincter of Oddi 
  • Threshold for sphincter of Oddi relaxation –is much lower
  • May stay  relaxed  for  a  longer  period  of time
  • The  commercially  available hormone -CCK-8
  • Attach to  the  same  receptors  
  • Degree of  gallbladder emptying relates directly to the number of CCK receptors
  • I 131 rose bengal
  • Suboptimal imaging characteristics  
  • Relatively high radiation dosimetry limited its clinical utility

  • Tc -99m-iminodiacetic acid (99mTc-IDA) 
  • Tc-99m-diosopropyl-IDA (DISIDA) or disofenin (Hepatolite)
  • Tc-99m-bromotriethyl-IDA (BrIDA) or mebrofenin (Choletec)
  • 99mTc-IDA – follows same hepatocyte uptake, transport and excretion pathways as bilirubin
  • Competitive inhibition
  • Radiotracer transport into hepatocyte by high capacity carrier mediated anion clearance mechanism
  • Tracer is transported into Bile canaliculi by an active membrane transport system similar to bilirubin
  • Mebrofenin –Rp of choice in jaundice.
  • Least bound to be involved by inhibition from bilirubin
  • Mebrofenin is useful even at bilirubin of 20 -30 mg/dl
Normal HIDA Findings:

  • Clearance of blood pool activity -5 min
  • CBD is usually seen by 20 min
  • Gall bladder – begins to fill by 10 min

In 90% normal individuals- GB is filled by 30-40 min

In 5% to7% normal individuals- GB is noted  late,  between 50 to 60 min

  • Gut- is usually visualized by 60 min

  • Follow me on Twitter @RutujaKote for more discussions about topics in Nuclear Medicine and Radiology.


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